AEGIS Collection

Our own series of editions including books, compact discs, DVDs and visual art works.

Edelweiss Emission & Syntony

We are proud of housing the complete archives of the classical music label EDELWEISS EMISSION  and  SYNTONY RECORDINGS

Euphony, The Sound of Life

Author:  Daniel Levy
Languages:   English, Italian and Spanish
Formats available:  Paperback (266 pages), EBook (PDF), Kindle

Description: This book deals with the effects of sound on the human being, offering a detailed analysis of the meaning and function of music, its great potential as a Science/Art, and the reasons why it is a golden key to the knowledge of ourselves and of the universe.

Edelweiss Emission - Celebrating the Beauty of Sound

An independent music label dedicated to classical and ancient music.

Description: Edelweiss Emission's superb recordings incorporate soloist, chamber music and orchestral performances.
For Edelweiss Emission MUSIC is Life in motion. As a result of the purity of the sound and balance of the instruments, Edelweiss Emission’s productions have received consistent praise from critics across the globe!

Pythagoras and Euphony

Author:  Daniel Levy
Languages:   Italian and Spanish
Title in Italian:  Pitagora e L’Eufonia – La Sfida del Saper Ascoltare
Formats available:  Paperback (258 pages)

Description: In this book, the intimate relationship between Pythagoras and Euphony becomes a reality which can be applied to human relationships, to the knowledge of nature and the effects of our...

The 7 Tones of Balance & Musical Ecology of the Mind

Piano & resonances composed and performed by Daniel Levy
Label: Syntony Recordings

Description: A collection of eight CDs, inspired by the musical wisdom of Pythagoras, that enable the listener to achieve self-awareness, actively and consciously, through tonal resonance, silences and melodies. 

Echoes of the Wind

Author:  Daniel Levy
Languages: Spanish (Will be soon available in English and Italian)
Title in Spanish:  Ecos del Viento – Historia de un viaje al centro del Sonido
Formats available:  Paperback with CD (100 pages)

Description: In this impassioned tale, Daniel Levy takes an inward journey to experience the essence of Sound. With a harmonic... 

Euphony Audio Lessons

Euphony - The Sound of Life by Daniel Levy
Spanish Audio Lessons

Description: A series of audio lessons in Spanish by Daniel Levy, titled “El Sonido de la Vida’ (The Sound of Life). 

Eternal Beauty

Author:  Daniel Levy
Languages: Italian and English
Title in Italian (original):  Bellezza
Formats available:  Out of print (139 pages)

Description: This book, which has been structured in a very original manner, presents accounts, maxims and reflections focused upon the archetypes of Beauty, using a poetic and accessible language...